Krokus Plaza Hotel, Tashkent Uzbekistan

Krokus Plaza mehmonxonasi Toshkentning qoq markazida, Bobur bog'i yaqinida, Teksil universiteti yonida joylashgan. Yangi turmush qurganlar, biznes sayohatlari va sayyohlik guruhlari uchun ideal. Oshxona xonalaridan tortib ikki qavatli kvartiralarga va ochiq terasli xonalarga qadar turli toifadagi 65 ta hashamatli xonalar mavjud. Har bir xonada bepul Wi-fi, zamonaviy elektron qulflash tizimi, mini-bar, seyf, televizor, gigiena vositalari va choy v... Qo'shimcha ma'lumotlar


Maxsus takliflar

  • special offer image

    Breakfast rate

    This rate is the main one for all guests who are going to book a room at Krokus Plaza. When booking this fare, the gst r...

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    Special offer

    Special offer : book 3 nights at the hotel and get 50% discount on the third night and 50% discount on massage % When bo...

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    Early booking

    The rate provides a 10% discount when booking 15 days before arrival. It includes: Buffet breakfast from 7 a.m. to 10 a....

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    A burning offer

    The tariff provides a 10% discount on the day of booking. It includes: Buffet breakfast from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. Sauna, ha...