每个房间都配有一个迷你冰箱和一个电水壶. 它提供免费的茶具和咖啡.
It offers a buffet breakfast with a wide selection of dishes, snacks, fresh fruits and vegetables, fragrant pastries, soft drinks, fragrant coffee and tea, as well as juices. Breakfast is served from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Outdoor seasonal pool
Outdoor swimming pool, 9 by 16 meters, is in the courtyard of the hotel.
Free private parking
It offers secure parking, ideal for both private cars and tourist buses.
All guests who stay at the hotel can use a small gym to keep fit.
Sauna and hammam
For hotel guests, sauna, hammam and relaxation room are included in the price
Conference room
The hotel can host various types of events in a fully equipped conference room with a capacity of up to 80 people.
Rent of a Conference hall full day (8 hours) - 4000000 sum., half day (4 hours) 3000000 sum.
Possible seating arrangements in the hall: "U-shaped", "cabaret", "theatrical" style or "class".
The rental price includes: 1 laptop, 1 projector, 1 full set of flipchart, 2 wireless microphones, speakers, 0.5 liters of mineral water without gas, A4 paper, pens for each participant of the conference.
We will also be happy to offer the organization of additional services: lunches, dinners, coffee breaks, receptions and banquets.
Rent of a Conference hall full day (8 hours) - 4000000 sum., half day (4 hours) 3000000 sum.
Possible seating arrangements in the hall: "U-shaped", "cabaret", "theatrical" style or "class".
The rental price includes: 1 laptop, 1 projector, 1 full set of flipchart, 2 wireless microphones, speakers, 0.5 liters of mineral water without gas, A4 paper, pens for each participant of the conference.
We will also be happy to offer the organization of additional services: lunches, dinners, coffee breaks, receptions and banquets.
Bottled water, tea and coffee
Each room has a tea set and bottled water.
В нашем отеле мы предлагаем уникальный массаж, который поможет вам расслабиться и восстановить силы. +998 71 254 77 88
- 卫星电视
- 平面电视
- 数字电视
- 小冰箱
- 灯
- 风机盘管冷却系统
- 电子锁
- 台灯
- 气候监测系统
- 卫生间
- 浴室用品
- 卫生淋浴
- 浴巾
- 浴缸
- 卫生用品套装
- 浴室用品套装
- 梳妆用品
- 浴缸或淋浴
- 拖鞋
- 卫生间
- 浴衣
- 阳台
- 池塘景观
- 景观房
- 城景房
- 阁楼的窗户
- 落地窗
- 无线网络
- 互联网
- 电话
- 客房电话
- 特大号床
- 矫形床垫
- 行李架
- 镜子
- 推拉门衣柜
- 沙发
- 办公桌
- 衣架
- 茶几
- 扶手椅
- 椅子
- 高高的天花板
- 地毯
- 餐碟套装
- 客房服务
- 文具
- 水池
- 茶具
- 生活区
- 隔音室
- 化妆镜
- 层压板
- 纱窗
- 暖气
- 饮用水
- 玻璃杯
- 中央空调
- 菜单
- 迷你酒吧
- 空调
- 淋浴
- 化妆品套装
- 水槽
- 厕所
- 淋浴房
- 卫生间
- 两张单人床或一张双人床
- 婴儿床
- 床头柜
- 椅子
- 梳妆台
- 安全
- 水壶
- 无烟房间
- 有线电视
- 电视
- 吹风机
- 双人床
- 沙发床
- 更衣室
- 扶手椅
- 工作台
- 桌子
- 床头柜
- 衣柜
- 咖啡和茶几
- 公共池塘
- 晾衣架
- 茶艺区
- 冷藏柜
- 电冰箱
- 安全系统
- 两张单人床
- 软垫家具
- 矿泉水
- 毛毯
- 两个电视
- 别的卫生间
- 低敏感性床单
- 多屉橱柜
- 两间房
- USB端口
- 熨斗
- 独立卫生间和浴室
- 单独的房间入口
- 两线电话
- 硬木地板
- 瓷砖地板
- 烫衣板
- 无限制地进入水疗中心
- 洗手液
- 为残疾人士提供的设施
- 室内健身区
- 火炉
- 微波炉
- 观景阳台
- 酒吧
- 厨房
- 小厨房
- 迷你厨房
- 梳妆台
- 炊具
- 餐饮区
- 扁平的餐具
- 餐桌
- 浴盆
- 两间浴室
- 浴室
- 桑拿
- 分体式空调
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